Donate to help fund expert reports

by Bay Area Citizens

Dear Friends,

Please consider donating generously to helping fund expert reports to challenge Plan Bay Area's draft Environmental Impact Report (EIR).  The draft EIR will be released on March 29, and we will have 45 days to submit comments. 

The Plan appears to be based on deeply flawed models, forecasts, and assumptions.  Bay Area Citizens has identified a number of top national experts in land use, transportation, and the environment who are willing to work with us.  Our expert reports will provide the analytically-sound, empirically-based assessment of the Plan and its assumptions that ABAG and MTC should be providing, but aren't. 

These reports are essential to all the public for its informed decision making on the Plan.  They are also necessary if we should decide to file suit against the Plan after it is adopted.

Please send your check to:

Bay Area Citizens

3527 Mt. Diablo Blvd #358

Lafayette, CA  94549

You can also donate by credit card online:

Donate to help fund our programs here!

If you know anyone else who may be interested in donating towards this effort, please encourage them to do so.   

The stakes couldn't be higher, and these reports are so incredibly important.  Please don't hesitate to contact us at with any questions, and thanks so much for your help!

Bay Area Citizens

Please note that your donations to Bay Area Citizens are not considered tax deductible at this time.
